Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pathos AD

This image shows Pathos becuase after seeing how badly the animals look after abuse, people want to do something to help. The emotions it causes people to feel is sadness and feel anger to what others do to animals.

The Logo ad indicates that the car is appropriate for families.  It immediately attracts the attention of anyone wishing to purchase a family car because of the size of the Volkswagon.

This Ethos Ad is saying "if you let me play I will be healthy and strong."
It motivates kids to be like atheletes just by wearing this brand.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Merchants of Cool

Three things I learned were that:

*Teenagers spend more money
 *I learned that they watch the same t.v shows.
*Tey want everything they see and want to be the first people to have those things.

1.It makes me feel that they're desperate so they can sell more products.
2.It makes me feel that they think that every teenager is the same by the things they watch, listen to and other thing.